ADDRESS-2: an Open Access Resource for Type 1 Diabetes Studies

On joining ADDRESS-2 participants register their interest in hearing about other opportunities to take part in type 1 diabetes research. They consent to be contacted about research studies for which they might be eligible by the central ADDRESS-2 team at Imperial College London, or the local research team at the site where they joined ADDRESS-2.

Our main focus in recruitment has been participants newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for early intervention clinical trials and studies in new-onset type 1 diabetes, and over 7500 have signed up to take part. However, our participants with diabetes could have lived with the condition for as long as 14 years now and so are also eligible for studies in established diabetes, which broadens the range of studies we are able to support. Siblings may be suited to studies to prevent type 1 diabetes or to understand its development.

What is Available

We provide recruitment support to studies by referring participants directly using their preferred contact details, after a prescreen for eligibility by the coordinating centre. We also have a biobank of samples from incident type 1 diabetes cases collected shortly after diagnosis, as well as samples from their unaffected siblings. Finally, the ADDRESS-2 database can be accessed for research, either on its own or alongside contact details for additional sample collection and/or biobanked samples.

For more information:

ADDRESS-2 Bioresource

ADDRESS-2 Database

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the ADDRESS-2 team .

Requesting ADDRESS-2 Support

ADDRESS-2 supports any research studies which meet the following conditions, based on the criteria for CRN support eligibility:

  • Granted appropriate ethical approval
  • Have full research cost funding for non-commercial studies or full funding for all costs for commercial studies
  • The ADDRESS-2 infrastructure have sufficient banked samples, data or participants in the network to meet the request
  • An agreement to reciprocally share data after completion of projects using ADDRESS-2 samples

The process is assessed by our Management Committee, chaired by Professor Simon Howell and comprised of experts by experience, type 1 diabetes researchers, clinical investigators, the funders past and present (Diabetes UK and Breakthrough T1D UK) and the study’s team. Additional information on how to access ADDRESS-2, and brief application forms to complete the process can be found on our access process and documents page.